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5 reasons hiking is good for you

To kick-off the new year we thought it would be a good idea to share 5 reasons why hiking should be the thing you take up in 2020.

It’s good for the mind

Hiking has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Trust us, a day spent hiking through nature might be just the reset you need to start 2020.

Connect with people

Conversations just flow better out on the trails, fact. There really isn’t a better way to connect with your friends and family.

Hike yourself healthy

It almost goes without saying… but for those few who didn’t know hiking is great for your overall fitness, and on so many levels. It increases strength, burns calories, boosts endurance and is so very good for your heart. Hike yourself healthy in 2020!

Digital detox

In today’s tech-driven world it is becoming ever more important to ensure we spend time away from all those screens… A day in nature with your phone turned off will not only give you a heightened connection with the experience, but it will also leave you all the more refreshed come the end of the day.

Keep the change

You don’t need to spend money on a fancy gym membership or a personal trainer this January. Get some hiking boots (and maybe one of our maps 😉) and get out there!

Fancy giving hiking a go, but don’t know where to start? Check out our website, we have a load of great ideas of where to hike and how to make it happen.

Now, time to take a hike…

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