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Why September is the best time to go hiking

September, it’s time to take a hike…

As we transition out of a very surreal, socially distanced summer and into a hopefully slightly more predictable Autumn, there is plenty to look forward to. Yes, you guessed it, we’re talking about hiking. So without further ado, we present to you 5 reasons for why September is the best month to lace up your boots and get walking.

Tree’s a crowd

With school holidays over and stay-cationers headed back home, the number of people on the trails begins to dwindle and footpaths are much quieter. With fewer walkers around you won’t have to share those beautiful landscapes or secluded picnic spots with the masses.

Better weather

English summers aren’t usually known for their tropical heat, however this summer saw temperatures reach 38° in some parts of the country. But now September brings a milder climate, with much kinder conditions for all you hikers. In between our Saharan summer and no-doubt a very wet winter, there is a lovely pocket of hiking-friendly weather to be relished!

Go hell for feather

This time of year brings with it some of the best opportunities to spot all kinds of wonderful wildlife. With some birds returning home from their summer vacations, and some stopping off on their migratory journeys south, there is a beautiful array of native and foreign birds to be seen. Hedgerows begin to bustle with a host of flora and fauna so keep an eye out for all sorts of furry and feathered friends. 

Autumn leaves

Everyone loves a good old-fashioned autumn leaf. September sees in some of the most amazing colours that transform the landscape. As bright green turns into yellow and orange, hiking along the countryside paths is the best way to experience this magical change. It’s a beautiful time of year, a limbo in-between two seasons, that makes walking at this time a real treat.

Let there be light

As we transition from summer to autumn, September marks the ‘last hurrah’ of the long days and the perfect time to take advantage of those late evenings. 

With animals at their most active and colours at their brightest, September is a wonderful month that doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves. It’s hiking paradise, with the conditions at their best and the landscape at its most interesting, it’s time to get out there.

So, go on, take a hike…


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